
Showing posts from October, 2022

Camille's Old-fashioned

Enjoying my own version of an Old-fashioned out of a lemon water and sugar sour mix and Rock and Rye! Added a lemon twist and a maraschino cherry for garnish, over crushed ice. 

Bacardi Light Daiquiri on the patio

I made a fresh lime juice and sugar water sour, added a maraschino cherry and two lime rind twists, crushed ice, and a hefty portion of Bacardi light rum.....voila! The perfect daiquiri! 

Autumn Leaves

I decided to share a drink that I just made up for my own personal enjoyment. I call it Autumn Leaves. I made a fresh sour mix of freshly squeezed lime juice, sugar, and water. Added a lime rind twist and a maraschino cherry for garnish. Approximately a jigger of Seagrams vodka, and a splash of Myers Dark Rum. To be enjoyed over crushed ice. Salut! 

Bacardi light Daiquiri

Made a lime juice and sugar sour mix, added a lime peel and a maraschino cherry and some crushed ice, along with a liberal portion of Bacardi light rum.....the perfect daiquiri! Enjoy!

Captain Morgan Spiced Rum Sour

Made a sour of fresh lemon juice, sugar, a lemon peel twist, and a maraschino cherry, along with a liberal portion of Captain Morgan's spiced rum over crushed ice. Enjoy!